Why Am I Here

Esther.jpgI am not sure how many of my readers have read the book of Esther which is in the Old Testament. The story of Esther was set among the captive Jews in Susa, the capital city of Persia. A courageous and beautiful Jewish girl named Esther becomes queen. She risks her own life to expose a plan to exterminate her people. Jews then probably saw themselves as harmless, trying to live as the people of God while adjusting to the foreign conditions. Yet their unique ethnic and religious identity and their worship of God as the one and only God led to problems. In cultures that worshipped various gods, the Jews’ behavior was viewed as criminally negligent, a caused for elimination. The heroes of the story, Esther and Mordecai (Esther’s uncle) rise to honor and a privileged status in a foreign court as Jews. Little did Mordecai know that, through God’s providence, his good deed for a Gentile king would protect his own life. Neither did Esther know that her position would resent her with the “opportunity” to risk her life to save her people. The Jews’ people were going to be destroyed however Mordecai reach out to Queen Esther and how it would be very important for her to speak up in Esther:4- 14 He tells her, in fact, if you don’t speak up at this very important time’ relief and rescue will appear for the Jews from another place, but you and your family will die. But who knows? Maybe it was for this very moment like this that you came to be a part of the royal family. Over time and thru many prayers Queen Esther knew what God was calling her to do with her own life, how about you. Do you know the real reason that God has created you, how important that you are to God and what job that you and only “You” can do, and that God has already equip you to do.

I am not sure how many of you have heard the name Bruce Wilkinson who is one of the most foremost Christian teacher and he is best know for many books, The Prayer of Jabez, The Dream Giver, The Purpose Driven Life and more ( I have read many of his books) The book in which I will share some of, is called “You were Born for This” is sits on my desk next to my computer and I have read this book more than one, as I continue to journey with Christ and always asking what in the world am I here for. From his first chapter ” What if I told you, I’m certain you missed a miracle yesterday? And not just any miracle but one that Heaven wanted to do through you to significantly change someone’s life for the better–maybe your own? I would understand if you were doubtful. But right alongside that doubt, most of us can identify a nearly universal experience. God uses one person to deliver something that met a big need for another person (could that  be you) and in a way that was clearly miraculous. God did not place you or me here on earth to just notice his handy work once in awhile, we can see God at work each and everyday. You see when we all have a walk with God not just once in awhile or when we feel like it, but everyday, we can see things happen. All of us are truly in ministry (even if you haven’t notice) Ministry without the Spirit of God is merely our best efforts. But Ministry with the Spirit of God is the stuff of miracles, because with God in the center of own lives, miracles can and does happen. I can not reach thru my computer to you and tell you why you were born, or what is God’s will for your life, only you are able to figure that one out for yourself. However  you begin to search and seek God with all of your heart in time God will reveal to you what His Will for your life is. You have nothing to fear but fear itself, and remember like I have shared with you in past writings in Luke 18:27 these are the words of Jesus, ” What is impossible with man is possible with God” In order for you and I to do the work that God has truly called us to do, he will equip us for the job, no worries are needed, just faith, the faith as tiny as a mustard seed.


Grace and Peace to You My Friends

2 thoughts on “Why Am I Here

  1. This rings true indeed.

    I have the perspective that, through her, God kept the Jewish people from an ancient nazi-like holocaust. We know at this point in history what such an outcome would have looked like.

    Thanks for the great message. And thank you for looking at my post earlier.


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