All Things New

Isaiah 43

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!    Isaiah 43:18-19

Do not dwell on the past. See, God is doing a new thing! As you begin a fresh year, rejoice that He is continually working newness into your life. Don’t let recent disappointment and failures define you or dampen your expectations. This is the time to make a fresh start! God is a God of unlimited creativity, expect Him to do surprising things in this year that stretches out before you.

Today is a precious gift. The present moment is where He meets with you, you are his beloved. So seek His face throughout this day that He has made. “This is the day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) 

Search for signs of His loving presence as you journey along the path of life. Look for the little pleasures He has strewn along your pathway-sometimes in surprising places-and thank God for each one. Your thankfulness will keep you close to Him and help you find joy in your journey.

Grace and Peace to You My Friends


7 thoughts on “All Things New

  1. Amen!! Amen!! I Strongly Agree!! Don’t Look Back…Keep Moving Forward In Jesus Christ Name!! Hallelujah!! \0/\0/ Agape!! Shalom!! ((Hugs)) 🙂


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