My Sheep

There is something soothing about the thought of sheep and shepherds, unless of course you are the one tending sheep. Herding, calling, feeding, leading, and gathering can’t be all that easy. After all, aren’t people a lot like sheep, and isn’t life full of shepherding? Wouldn’t it be nice at the end of the day to gather all our cares and leave them inside a pen to stay put for the night? Like scattered sheep, tasks leap through our minds. Shepherding is hard work.

Jesus picked up on the theme of sheep and shepherds. Shepherds in the Middle East often slept in the doorway of the sheepfold. The shepherd’s body protected the sheep. With the shepherd at the gate, nobody could mess with the sheep. Jesus offered himself as the only way into the sheepfold. He is the only gate, and that knowledge provides comfort and peace. He gave us His Word to guide us and lead our steps. When the cares of our lives scatter through our nights like restless leaping sheep, God wants us to remember who blocks the doorway. No one guards and protect like he does. We can rest easy in his sheepfold.

Blessings to you my friends


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