

Welcome to all who visit my blog. My name is Eileen Guyadeen.  As we read from the book of Ephesians 2: 8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves it is a gift from God, not by works, so that no one can boast. I created this blog in May of 2016 while I was in a class for ministry to reach out to others, and once my class was complete I decided to continue this blog. I chose the name of my blog Quiet Moments because as a Christian woman I valued my quiet time alone with God each and everyday and I hope to be able to encourage others to do the same, as we all journey with Christ. In the book of Psalm 46:10 “Be Still and Know that I am God.”  In order for any Christian to hear the voice of God we need to be able to become still to listen.  With all of our demands in this world I do hope that all of us can learn to be still and simply just listen to God, he has so much to share with you, His beloved child which is you the reader. 

I am a member of the United Methodist Church where we are Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Door where all of God’s children are welcome and belong as a child of God. A little information on me: I am a single mom with two daughters one who is chronically ill and who was also a conjoined twin in which I loss her sister in my womb and she also absorb part of a sister and I also have a younger daughter as well.  His promise is this: “Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) My Lord and Savior walks with us as a family through all of the heartache we have endure. Jesus never promise to his disciples or even us of today that we would never go through trials. The Gospel of John 16:33 Jesus tells his disciples in this world you will have trouble, take heart I have overcome the world.  I always believe that it is easy when things in our lives are going well are faith is strong, however if our faith can also be strong in the pity of the valley we have come to trust in God with our journey, and that he does walk with us daily.  Thank you for stopping by and I hope that my story will encourage you in someway. 

Grace and Peace to You My Friends


48 thoughts on “About

  1. Eileen, Thank you for your commitment to the Lord and your steadfast belief in Him even when circumstances are tough. God is our Great Healer, and He still heals today. May He touch your child with healing from head to toe, from mind to spirit, and may you look back and praise the Lord for what He has done in, with, and through your child. Grace and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Karen

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s nice to meet another fellow Believer in Christ Jesus, who has a blog. I don’t have a blog, but, I sure enjoy reading ones like these; in which True Christian beliefs are expressed. 😀


  3. Eileen, thank you for choosing to follow my blog. We do have enjoying and needing our quiet times with the Lord in common. I hope my posts will be an encouragement to you as you spend time with Him. This post shows your calm and sincere spirit. God bless.


  4. EILEEN—I AM VERY BLESSED BY YOUR WORK TOWARD GOD’S KINGDOM. I GREW UP UNITED METHODIST, BUT WAS PUT OFF BY THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION EQUATING LIBERATION THEOLOGY WITH THE CROSS OF CHRIST—MADDENING!!!! ANYWAY…may I suggest putting a HOME on your blog? Not knowing how often your blog posted, I used SEARCH…and it took forever (you can follow my LIKES to get to your latest postings. Please–make it easier and the Lord will be glorified by your rich tapestry of posts—including a least a couple of mine I see—THANK YOU! Please—in the Spirit’s guidance–consider my suggestion! I salute you and your charming hubby in Jesus’ most Holy name—Jonathan Caswell, Christian poet and administrator of the blogs BY THE MIGHTY MUMFORD and THE MARVELOUS MUMFORD. PEACE AND BLESSING BE WITH YOU! (Both my Mother and my wife..were going for their preacher’s licenses when they found love and marriage—Mom to my Dad, a UMC. preacher who went from the parsonage into the Chaplaincy. Small world, Huh? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jonathan
      I do post everyday twice besides sharing other post from other bloggers, how to I go about putting a Home on my blog. I have been blogging for four years now and still learning. I have also done work has a Chaplain Intern and I enjoy it, but during this pandemic it has become harder mostly phone calls I do.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. i got my HOME AS A PART OF THE WORD PRESS “Theme” package I picked for my blog (amongst the “free” ones!) If you are paying for your blog space…perhaps Word Press can accommodate you? I found at least 2 “free ones’ suitable for my needs. I never felt a calling to the ordained ministry, altho’ I was a home missionary for 3 years (Children’s Bible Fellowship of NY) and now I’m ministering–sort of—via my blog.


  5. We do indeed have a Savior who walks with us through the hard times & good times, amen! Eileen I too travel the road of chronic health issues & we have daughters & grandchildren who also travel this same path.
    My heart goes out to you & your family.

    You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer,


  6. This is a lovely introduction–and photo of you both! Thank you for visiting my blog–I hope we can share about our wonderful Lord together. May HE bless you SO Abundantly in the coming weeks–and I will pray for you and your family. Zelda💝


  7. Hi!

    I’ve been going through and reading your posts for August that I missed. I haven’t clicked like on all of them because it would inundate your like feed! However, please know I do like and appreciate them all.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If we were given everything we would not appreciate it. This world He gave us was so we could walk through all sides of the valley, its depths and its heights, length and breadth and truly appreciate the love found within it. It is only when we are sad that we truly appreciate happiness when it comes, as through all our emotions. How much more and powerfully will it be when we go through all our ‘conditions’ to our love down here and finally find that unconditional love waiting for us at its end. Thank you for sharing kind lady, may that journey for us all reach and appreciate that love 😀❤️🙏


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